Many of us don't have very much to no knowledge of cultures far removed from us. Millennia of historical record hide things, the things that don't immediately come to mind as we think of meaning, as moderns, unlike the ancients, regardless of their or our cultural understanding. I am desiring not to rewrite history from a modern perspective, but accurately reflect what was then, to helps us to know, what is now.
This is a personal project, one born out of love for Jesus Christ and a sincere desire to personally understand, and for anyone else who wishes to pursue accuracy in their understanding of the original meaning the writers of the Bible intended to convey. I am passionate about clarity as it reveals the reality which Jesus, as many Old & New Testament writers, knew and lived. Unsurprisingly, meanings have changed, and so we now live in the space where we don't, or even fully grasp what was intended. Thus, here is my labour.
The Vision
To bring clarity to biblical words
The Mission
To better understand biblical words, as they were originally, and most widely understood and how they were used in their context when they were written